64 rows where year = 2021
This data as json, CSV (advanced)
Suggested facets: cloud-provider, geolocation, provider-cfe-hourly, provider-cfe-annual, provider-carbon-intensity-market-annual, grid-carbon-intensity-average-consumption-annual
Link | rowid ▼ | year | cloud-provider | cloud-region | cfe-region | em-zone-id | wt-region-id | location | geolocation | provider-cfe-hourly | provider-cfe-annual | power-usage-effectiveness | water-usage-effectiveness | provider-carbon-intensity-market-annual | provider-carbon-intensity-average-consumption-hourly | grid-carbon-intensity-average-consumption-annual | grid-carbon-intensity-marginal-consumption-annual | grid-carbon-intensity-average-production-annual | grid-carbon-intensity | total-ICT-energy-consumption-annual | total-water-input | renewable-energy-consumption | renewable-energy-consumption-goe | renewable-energy-consumption-ppa | renewable-energy-consumption-onsite | |
196 | 196 | 2021 | Google Cloud | asia-east1 | Taiwan | TW | TW | Taiwan | 0.17 | 0 | 456 | |||||||||||||||
197 | 197 | 2021 | Google Cloud | asia-east2 | Hong Kong | HK | HK | Hong Kong | 0.28 | 0 | 360 | |||||||||||||||
198 | 198 | 2021 | Google Cloud | asia-northeast1 | Tokyo | JP-TK | JP_TK | Tokyo | 0.16 | 0 | 464 | |||||||||||||||
199 | 199 | 2021 | Google Cloud | asia-northeast2 | Kansai | JP-KN | JP_KN | Osaka | 0.31 | 0 | 384 | |||||||||||||||
200 | 200 | 2021 | Google Cloud | asia-northeast3 | South Korea | KR | KOR | Seoul | 0.31 | 0 | 425 | |||||||||||||||
201 | 201 | 2021 | Google Cloud | asia-south1 | Maharashtra | IN-MH | IND | Mumbai | 0.1 | 0 | 670 | |||||||||||||||
202 | 202 | 2021 | Google Cloud | asia-south2 | Uttar Pradesh | IN-UP | IND | Delhi | 0.08 | 0 | 671 | |||||||||||||||
203 | 203 | 2021 | Google Cloud | asia-southeast1 | Singapore | SG | SGP | Singapore | 0.04 | 0 | 372 | |||||||||||||||
204 | 204 | 2021 | Google Cloud | asia-southeast2 | Indonesia | ID | Jakarta | 0.13 | 0 | 580 | ||||||||||||||||
205 | 205 | 2021 | Google Cloud | australia-southeast1 | New South Wales | AUS-NSW | NEM_NSW | Sydney | 0.21 | 0 | 598 | |||||||||||||||
206 | 206 | 2021 | Google Cloud | australia-southeast2 | Victoria | AUS-VIC | NEM_VIC | Melbourne | 0.31 | 0 | 521 | |||||||||||||||
207 | 207 | 2021 | Google Cloud | europe-central2 | Poland | PL | PL | Warsaw | 0.2 | 0 | 576 | |||||||||||||||
208 | 208 | 2021 | Google Cloud | europe-north1 | Finland | FI | FI | Finland | 0.91 | 0 | 127 | |||||||||||||||
209 | 209 | 2021 | Google Cloud | europe-southwest1 | Spain | ES | ES | Madrid | 0.0 | 0 | 121 | |||||||||||||||
210 | 210 | 2021 | Google Cloud | europe-west1 | Belgium | BE | BE | Belgium | 0.82 | 0 | 110 | |||||||||||||||
211 | 211 | 2021 | Google Cloud | europe-west2 | Great Britain | GB | UK | London | 0.57 | 0 | 172 | |||||||||||||||
212 | 212 | 2021 | Google Cloud | europe-west3 | Germany | DE | DE | Frankfurt | 0.6 | 0 | 269 | |||||||||||||||
213 | 213 | 2021 | Google Cloud | europe-west4 | Netherlands | NL | NL | Netherlands | 0.53 | 0 | 283 | |||||||||||||||
214 | 214 | 2021 | Google Cloud | europe-west6 | Switzerland | CH | CH | Zurich | 0.85 | 0 | 86 | |||||||||||||||
215 | 215 | 2021 | Google Cloud | europe-west8 | North Italy | IT | IT | Milan | 0.0 | 0 | 298 | |||||||||||||||
216 | 216 | 2021 | Google Cloud | europe-west9 | France | FR | FR | Paris | 0.0 | 0 | 59 | |||||||||||||||
217 | 217 | 2021 | Google Cloud | northamerica-northeast1 | Quebec | CA-QC | HQ | Montréal | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | |||||||||||||||
218 | 218 | 2021 | Google Cloud | northamerica-northeast2 | Ontario | CA-ON | IESO_NORTH | Toronto | 0.92 | 0 | 29 | |||||||||||||||
219 | 219 | 2021 | Google Cloud | southamerica-east1 | Central Brazil | BR-CS | BRA | São Paulo | 0.78 | 0 | 129 | |||||||||||||||
220 | 220 | 2021 | Google Cloud | southamerica-west1 | Chile | CL-SEN | CHL | Santiago | 0.69 | 0 | 190 | |||||||||||||||
221 | 221 | 2021 | Google Cloud | us-central1 | MISO | US-MIDW-MISO | MISO_MASON_CITY | Iowa | 0.97 | 0 | 394 | |||||||||||||||
222 | 222 | 2021 | Google Cloud | us-east1 | SC | US-CAR-SC | SC | South Carolina | 0.25 | 0 | 434 | |||||||||||||||
223 | 223 | 2021 | Google Cloud | us-east4 | PJM | US-MIDA-PJM | PJM_DC | Northern Virginia | 0.64 | 0 | 309 | 442 | ||||||||||||||
224 | 224 | 2021 | Google Cloud | us-east5 | PJM | US-MIDA-PJM | PJM_SOUTHWEST_OH | Columbus | 0.64 | 0 | 309 | 442 | ||||||||||||||
225 | 225 | 2021 | Google Cloud | us-south1 | ERCOT | US-TEX-ERCO | ERCOT_NORTHCENTRAL | Dallas | 0.4 | 0 | 296 | |||||||||||||||
226 | 226 | 2021 | Google Cloud | us-west1 | BPA | US-NW-BPAT | BPA | Oregon | 0.88 | 0 | 60 | |||||||||||||||
227 | 227 | 2021 | Google Cloud | us-west2 | CAISO | US-CAL-CISO | LDWP | Los Angeles | 0.53 | 0 | 190 | |||||||||||||||
228 | 228 | 2021 | Google Cloud | us-west3 | PACE | US-NW-PACE | PACE | Salt Lake City | 0.31 | 0 | 448 | |||||||||||||||
229 | 229 | 2021 | Google Cloud | us-west4 | NVE | US-NW-NEVP | NEVP | Las Vegas | 0.21 | 0 | 365 | |||||||||||||||
230 | 230 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | us-east-2 | PJM | US-MIDA-PJM | PJM_SOUTHWEST_OH | US East (Ohio) | 0.95 | |||||||||||||||||
231 | 231 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | us-east-1 | PJM | US-MIDA-PJM | PJM_DC | US East (N. Virginia) | 0.95 | |||||||||||||||||
232 | 232 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | us-west-1 | CAISO | US-CAL-CISO | CAISO_NORTH | US West (N. California) | 0.95 | |||||||||||||||||
233 | 233 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | us-west-2 | BPA | US-NW-BPAT | BPA | US West (Oregon) | 0.95 | |||||||||||||||||
234 | 234 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | af-south-1 | South Africa | ZA | ZA | Africa (Cape Town) | ||||||||||||||||||
235 | 235 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | ap-east-1 | Hong Kong | HK | HK | Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) | ||||||||||||||||||
236 | 236 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | ap-south-2 | IND | Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) | ||||||||||||||||||||
237 | 237 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | ap-southeast-3 | Indonesia | ID | ID | Asia Pacific (Jakarta) | ||||||||||||||||||
238 | 238 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | ap-southeast-4 | Victoria | AUS-VIC | NEM_VIC | Asia Pacific (Melbourne) | ||||||||||||||||||
239 | 239 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | ap-south-1 | Maharashtra | IN-MH | IND | Asia Pacific (Mumbai) | ||||||||||||||||||
240 | 240 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | ap-northeast-3 | Kansai | JP-KN | JP_KN | Asia Pacific (Osaka) | ||||||||||||||||||
241 | 241 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | ap-northeast-2 | South Korea | KR | KOR | Asia Pacific (Seoul) | ||||||||||||||||||
242 | 242 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | ap-southeast-1 | Singapore | SG | SGP | Asia Pacific (Singapore) | ||||||||||||||||||
243 | 243 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | ap-southeast-2 | New South Wales | AUS-NSW | NEM_NSW | Asia Pacific (Sydney) | ||||||||||||||||||
244 | 244 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | ap-northeast-1 | Tokyo | JP-TK | JP_TK | Asia Pacific (Tokyo) | ||||||||||||||||||
245 | 245 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | ca-central-1 | Quebec | CA-QC | HQ | Canada (Central) | 0.95 | |||||||||||||||||
246 | 246 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | eu-central-1 | Germany | DE | DE | Europe (Frankfurt) | 0.95 | |||||||||||||||||
247 | 247 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | eu-west-1 | Ireland | IE | IE | Europe (Ireland) | 53.35,-6.2603 | 0.95 | ||||||||||||||||
248 | 248 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | eu-west-2 | Great Britain | GB | UK | Europe (London) | 0.95 | |||||||||||||||||
249 | 249 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | eu-south-1 | North Italy | IT | IT | Europe (Milan) | 0.95 | |||||||||||||||||
250 | 250 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | eu-west-3 | France | FR | FR | Europe (Paris) | 0.95 | |||||||||||||||||
251 | 251 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | eu-north-1 | Spain | ES | SE | Europe (Stockholm) | 0.95 | |||||||||||||||||
252 | 252 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | il-central-1 | Israel | IL | IL | Israel (Tel Aviv) | ||||||||||||||||||
253 | 253 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | me-south-1 | Bahrain | BH | BH | Middle East (Bahrain) | ||||||||||||||||||
254 | 254 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | me-central-1 | United Arab Emirates | AE | AE | Middle East (UAE) | ||||||||||||||||||
255 | 255 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | sa-east-1 | Central Brazil | BR-CS | BRA | South America (São Paulo) | ||||||||||||||||||
256 | 256 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | us-gov-east-1 | PJM | US-MIDA-PJM | PJM_DC | GovCloud (US East) | 0.95 | |||||||||||||||||
257 | 257 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | us-gov-west-1 | BPA | US-NW-BPAT | BPA | GovCloud (US West) | 0.95 | |||||||||||||||||
258 | 258 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | cn-north-1 | China (Beijing) | |||||||||||||||||||||
259 | 259 | 2021 | Amazon Web Services | cn-northwest-1 | China (Ningxia) |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE "cloud_regions_metadata_dev" ( [year] INTEGER, [cloud-provider] TEXT, [cloud-region] TEXT, [cfe-region] TEXT, [em-zone-id] TEXT, [wt-region-id] TEXT, [location] TEXT, [geolocation] TEXT, [provider-cfe-hourly] FLOAT, [provider-cfe-annual] FLOAT, [power-usage-effectiveness] FLOAT, [water-usage-effectiveness] FLOAT, [provider-carbon-intensity-market-annual] INTEGER, [provider-carbon-intensity-average-consumption-hourly] INTEGER, [grid-carbon-intensity-average-consumption-annual] INTEGER, [grid-carbon-intensity-marginal-consumption-annual] FLOAT, [grid-carbon-intensity-average-production-annual] INTEGER, [grid-carbon-intensity] INTEGER, [total-ICT-energy-consumption-annual] INTEGER, [total-water-input] INTEGER, [renewable-energy-consumption] INTEGER, [renewable-energy-consumption-goe] INTEGER, [renewable-energy-consumption-ppa] INTEGER, [] INTEGER, [renewable-energy-consumption-onsite] INTEGER );